We are the reporting office for antisemitic incidents in Saarland.
Report incidents
The easiest way to report antisemitic incidents in Saarland to us: report-antisemitism.de.
We document these cases and provide information about the forms of antisemitism in Saarland. At the same time, the Federal Association RIAS creates a situational overview according to uniform standards, which incorporates these cases.
Free advice
We provide free, anonymous and non-binding advice for persons and institutions affected by antisemitism. In this respect, we also cooperate with the Bounce Back counselling centre, the specialist unit against right-wing extremism and other key actors, if required.
We work closely with the Saar Synagogue Community, the State Commissioner for Jewish Life in Saarland and the Fight against Antisemitism and other key actors.
Lectures, training courses & workshops
We also offer educational opportunities on the topic of antisemitism for young people and adults, including lectures for adult education centres, training courses for administrative, educational and youth work specialists or workshops at schools and youth facilities.

office (06851) 80 82 79-1
If you prefer to communicate with us encrypted please use:
rias.saarland@adolf-bender.de PGP-Fingerprint: 3339 F5B4 604E 0FBD CCBB 8044 FEC0 AB7B F8D9 4A50